
Posts Tagged ‘God’

I love redemptive stories. I love seeing seemingly bad people encounter something or someone and have their lives so utterly shaken that they are never the same and instead become better for it. Have many of you been watching Once Upon a Time? I think Regina is in for one such transition and I am hoping that Rumple will too become (dare I say) good? Is it silly to want the “bad guys” to become good? I think it is that thing inside of me that says know one is beyond reach…the part of me that holds out in hope that even the most jaded or ruthless people can have life changing encounters with God and forever be changed for the better. I have seen it…I am it. In some ways I was one of those hopeless people, I was lost in alcohol and witchcraft before my encounter with God and when I finally surrendered my heart and my life to Him the transformation was nearly instantaneous and it was awesome. God is so faithful and so good. I was seriously lost and had I not been found I would have been doomed to spend eternity away from the very one who created me and loved me enough to humble himself and die on a cross for me. It’s mind boggling  that the very creator of the universe, the God who placed every star in all of the known space (and all of the unknown space too for that matter) would care enough about something seemingly so insignificant that He sought a way to mend the gap between us. I love You Lord God. I thank You. Thank you for showing me the beauty in my own redemptive story and giving me the faith, and hope to see even the worst “bad guy” become “good” because they had a life changing moment with you! Because You love them…and you know what, so do I…you gotta love those “Bad guys”…it’s only the transforming power of encountering Your love that could ever change anyone…and we as your disciples are called to love everyone too. I don’t have to love what they do, or how they live their lives…but I can still choose to love them because You do! I know You do because I know You loved me enough to reach down and pull me out of the deep pit I was in…and I was definitely a “Bad guy”. 

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The light is so subtle as it creeps steadily through my curtains like a military force slowly advancing on it’s target. As the light comes, it dispels the darkness and I am left feeling clean and alive once more. There was a part of me that truly loved the night a long time ago…I used to prefer to live in it and instead sleep in the day, but that was before I met Him.

Before I met Him so many things were different about me. I thought that night was better than day…more mysterious, more opportunity to do things that must be hidden. It was all dark and sinister…and I loved it. I used to think that if vampires were real I could find them only in the night and with the love of blood and sex everything would be alright…I could live forever! Yes this was before the twilight craze…before vampires lived in the day. In that time I practiced witchcraft too…longing to bring true love my way…tired I guess, even then, of all the subtle games that I played trying to get what I thought I wanted. Desperately seeking for someone to find me, love me, lead me, and see me…but how could they? It was to dark to see me, I was to ugly to love, all twisted up and brokenly confused…until You.

It was night when I met You too…I ponder this now thinking You must have known that You would have to woo me back out of the night and into the light. You met me on my turf. You sought me out, and when I laid bare all that I was in those terrifyingly quite moments you took me in your arms and washed me clean. To You I was not ugly, to You I was not used, to You I was a treasure and You showed me all that I had been loosing by believing the lie that living in the night was all that I deserved. You showed me that light is stronger than darkness, and that a price had been laid on my head, like a bounty hunter You found me and said that You had already paid the lynch man off, You had surrendered the cost and if I would only accept this truth, this selfless gift then I could know what true love meant. Then, with a mind that was screaming and a heart that was beating so violently I thought it might rip free from it’s rib cage enclosure, carefully creeping on trembling toe’s painstakingly slow…you led me from darkness into glorious day, and I will never be the same!

Now my love affair is with the day, and I ache and long for the light, for the truth to shine and the lies and things that are hidden to be exposed and dispelled. Light conquers darkness, and You reign in my heart, you set me apart, you call me your own and now I am home…home in the light. I say goodbye to the night.

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I know you read this now wondering what I will say, but is your heart beating like mine? Does your breath come in short gasps, and your hands long to grasp the handle of something that will hold you erect? I know mine are to slick with the sweat to ever hope to hold on and so I write with an urgency that eggs me on.

Who are you? The time has come that we dispel with the pleasantries and actually remove the masks that we allow only the world to see. There must be more to the both of us…a deeper walk with God? Or are you just faking with the hopes of eventually making the cut…I know that I have not always been honest, I know I have not always been real. Please forgive me for holding you at a distance to afraid to be judged…or possibly hugged? Which would be worse, I don’t know. Either way I am just awkward. 

What is this feeling? This longing in my heart to make something worthwhile, to not fall apart. Lord God I just want the works of my hand to be glorifying and and to lift up your plan. Let your light shine through me, let me not be afraid to boldly go forth and sing of your praise. 

Today is a new day, all the old days have passed. there is no going back now, and thank God for that. I don’t want to go back to where I have been, the muck and the mire were to much to be in. Who wants to hold on…it’s too good to let let go…at least of the bad, so say goodbye and let’s go!   

Life’s an adventure!

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It does not make sense that in a room so full I could ever feel so alone.
Outside the room are more people still yet I have far from left a mark…
Not even a spark.
Nope no flickering flame here…
Know one can see me.
Nothing I do matters as I have no lasting effect..
No words of substance,
Nothing that makes a dent.
I am lost in my own bitter world and the armor I wear is soooo thick.
The pin prick of the fake hello you utter bounces off with such a loud revereb it makes me want to shutter.
I do kind of feel sick.
Why even acknowledge me?
You don’t really care!
I bet you would not even notice if I slipped right past..
I know you would not miss me if I just failed to ever come back…
Other people have…
Failed to come back I mean.
I don’t see anyone chasing them down
Accept maybe me.
I am hoping to share that I really care that I might understand what they are feeling…
That I too have a date with my switch blade…
At least I know it will show.
Seriously though, you make me so mad!!
What the hell is this feeling?
I can’t quite get a grab of the way it is pounding and drowning out my soul
It’s wrapped it’s claws around my skull and it’s never letting go.
The pastor says we war not against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities…
But all I know is that in the darkness everyone looks the same
 Friend or foe I just don’t know, what  can rid me of the pain…
The pain of my depression.
Then in the night when I think all is lost in the deepest and darkest despair,
A twisted breath
A shutter as death makes it’s pass over…
I breath a sigh as You pass by and block the fatal blow
I see a light
That pierces the night
It gives me sight
A glimpse if you will
Of what I might be
Because a man named Jesus died for me…
Except He’s more than a man
He’s God’s ultimate plan!
And He came to set the captives free!
Don’t you see, it’s in Him I find my face
He knows my true insides and does not turn away.
To Him I am beautiful
He has made me clean!
Even now the depression is just a fleeting thing…
A  whisp of a memory.


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My Hearts Desire

Tonight I feel You whispering in my ear. “You are precious”.

“Far more than rubies or gold, come find your worth in me”. 

Tonight I feel Your loving arms even if only in my heart.

My lover, my treasure, my hearts greatest desire, You are my all in all. 

I know You knit me together in time and space.

Wove me in the womb.

Still sometimes I wonder why now, and why here…and think of how often and badly I’ve failed.

How can You still love me, knowing my disgrace?

Your mercy is so out of place.

I don’t deserve it, none of us do, but never mind them I can only think about You.

Oh how I love You, my savior and King!

Glory and honor are all that I long to bring, they are my hearts greatest desire.

Let me magnify your name.

I long to please you my King, to spend my days about Your business.

I want to obey You, since I know You know best!

If You say go, I will go, and if You say stay I will stay.

When you call I will answer, I will not attempt to hide my ways…there is no place I can go.

You see me in my entirety and love me all the same.

Thank you so much!

My Lord, my God, my King.   

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Fill the void

What happens when you dream?

A waking thought.

A laugh that’s caught, just before the beam.

The sunlight filters through the curtains, you stir and begin to wake,

grasping the tendrils, it unravels…I can’t remember a thing.

What is a wish if not a prayer, a hope or longing in your heart, a hole that must be filled.

What matters most is what you use to fill that place within your being, a hope, a dream, and then a prayer, as gentle light is kindled there.

Our lives laid bare and we begin to see our very real need for a savior.

When seeking the dream, the one that “feels real”, I suggest you go with the best!

The one that actually IS!

Seek and ye shall find!

The truth is waiting with the thought.

The Testament of the ultimate plot.

A love story that reaches across all time and tells of our formation.

The great I AM, and how He longs, to once again, be welcomed by His creation!

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Oh Lord, you are so good. You who hung every star in the sky and know them each by name, I marvel at your greatness, and wish I could grasp a better knowledge of you. Lord I can only imagine how great your love for us is, sometimes I think I begin to understand and then something happens and I find myself again just grasping at straws utterly in awe of you and who you are. Would that I could fathom your love to the true heights that it fly’s or depths that it dwells but as it is now all I can do is say thank you for utterly changing my life. 

Thank you for your word Lord, and how I can learn so much about your mercy and faithfulness in it. I read it and although I might not always understand it I know that in whole it is the most beautiful love story ever told. It is truly amazing. Lord thank you for not giving up on mankind, for loving us so much that you sent your only son to die in our place, you paid the price so we could once again find our completeness in you. 

Lord this thanksgiving I pray that all who are lost will be found, all who are seeking will find and that in this great nation my neighbors and fellow Americans will once again remember the great principles on which this country was founded…and in humility and awe turn to you in one remembering who they should be giving thanks too. 

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